On their deathbeds most people regret working so much

On their deathbeds most people regret working so much

Australian nurse Bronnie Ware recorded patients’ dying words over many years. She discovered that one of the most common regrets among men was working too hard. Other regrets included:

Top regrets:

  • Doing what other people expected of them rather than being true to themselves
  • Not expressing themselves to others (e.g. telling someone you love them, or resolving long-term family fallouts)
  • Not staying in touch with friends
  • Not daring to break the comfort of routine and do things that make them happy

So if you’ve got these covered then you can expect to die happy!

Bonus fact: Rolls Royce founder Sir Henry Royce said on his deathbed: “I have only one regret … that I have not worked harder.”

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2012/feb/01/top-five-regrets-of-the-dying